The number of courses I teach (and students request) keeps growing and growing. This means I need to make some sharp choices regarding what I teach and where.
My students in the US and Canada often express disappointment when material is only made available to students in Europe, attending in person.
It also means that I need to make better use of my on-line school and recorded classes.
During the lockdowns I taught several art classes on-line. They remain available as recordings.
For those reasons I have decided that my Introduction to Sacred Art Course (which ran in London, in person, for a decade!) will now be offered as a series of three on-line webinars instead. Just below you will find a description and link.
More advanced material is taught in the format of sacred art retreats. Here is a list of sacred art retreats that ran in 2023 - 2024:
THE TEMPLE PRIESTESS, London UK, 5 - 9 December 2023, in person and non-residential (registration is open)
THE PETROGLYPHS OF SOUL, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, in person and non-residential, 11 - 15 October 2023 (registration opens in January 2023)
SEDNA & SILA: AN INTRODUCTION TO ARCTICINUIT COSMOLOGY AND DEITIES, inspired by my recent Painting Sabbatical in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). From 4 – 7 December 2023, London UK, in person but non-residential.