The number of courses I teach (and students request) keeps growing and growing. This means I need to make some sharp choices regarding what I teach and where.

My students in the US and Canada often express disappointment when material is only made available to students in Europe, attending in person.

It also means that I need to make better use of my on-line school and recorded classes.

During the lockdowns I taught several art classes on-line. They remain available as recordings.

For those reasons I have decided that my Introduction to Sacred Art Course (which ran in London, in person, for a decade!) will now be offered as a series of three on-line webinars instead. Just below you will find a description and link.


More advanced material is taught in the format of sacred art retreats. Here is a list of sacred art retreats that ran in 2023 - 2024:

THE TEMPLE PRIESTESS, London UK, 5 - 9 December 2023, in person and non-residential (registration is open)

THE PETROGLYPHS OF SOUL, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, in person and non-residential, 11 - 15 October 2023 (registration opens in January 2023)

SEDNA & SILA: AN INTRODUCTION TO ARCTICINUIT COSMOLOGY AND DEITIES, inspired by my recent Painting Sabbatical in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). From 4 – 7 December 2023, London UK, in person but non-residential.


 International Teacher, Author, Painter and Forest Witch in Europe and Globally


This workshop introduces the Medieval concept of a Human Life as a Pilgrimage. We work with the glyph of a labyrinth representing our ‘umbilical cord to Source/Spirit' laid out in spiral form in the room. We start unraveling personal myths and weaving healing stories with the help of great gods and goddesses. We meet ‘The Woman Who Repairs Stories'. We start engaging with the concept of ‘The Leavings of the Wolf' (and the teachings of the Norse God Tyr), that is to say: the understanding of personal sacrifice in return for knowledge and spiritual strength. We start mapping where we have given power away and we start moving from the concept of the ‘scapegoat' to making a ‘shape coat': a personal medicine cloak of personal symbols that reflects our learning journey through life and our soul's mission. We make sacred art in honour of something greater than ourselves and beings other than ourselves.


"This was my first experience of being taught by Imelda. It was rich, nourishing, inspiring and profound. Imelda created a beautiful physical space, a safe emotional container and lifted the veil to allow us to explore beyond this reality. There were so many techniques and experiences packed into two days, but at no point did the work feel rushed. I would recommend Imelda as a teacher and this workshop to anyone wishing to embark on or deepen their journey into Shamanic practices."

- Helen Payne, Wales 2018






 The Sacred Art Introduction course  is the beginning of the journey, the labyrinth, the pilgrimage. It has been the start of going deep within myself, to survive the unconscious and receive consciousness and healing back. It's learning how to listen to the signals and accept all that emerges. It's a wonderful, magical, intense and necessary experience to do in life!!!”

-Milena Bedin

Vicenza - Italy,

 The 2-day Introduction to Making Sacred Art course was my first experience of being taught by Imelda. Having heard and read so much about her, she did not disappoint. My anxieties of not being "an artist" were soon laid to rest. Imelda holds a safe space for all on a physical, emotional and spiritual level whatever your previous experience. These two days took my Shamanic journeying to a deeper level, journeys within journeys unfolding and unfurling as the art is created. We were taught so much in such a short time, leaving me hungry for more. If you get the opportunity to work with Imelda grab it with both hands you won't look back!

-Lyn Hill, therapist, West Yorkshire, UK


 International Teacher, Author, Painter and Forest Witch in Europe and Globally


"Making Sacred Art means stepping outside the realm of ego-led consciousness to become a hollow bone for spirit, so art becomes as mystery school process. When we connect to Divine forces greater than ourselves, creative blocks do not exist and healing occurs naturally"

Please note that my second book makes a great companion and handbook for people taking my sacred art classes! This is because I explain things in more detail (than webinars allow) and every chapter ends with a thought-provoking (even mind-bending) activity!

This book tells the story of Sacred Art across cultures, continents and historical periods and makes a plea for sacred art to once again take its rightful place in our perception.

The greatest piece of art we will ever make is our own life!

If you complete all chapter activities, you will have an art portfolio by the time you finish reading this book!


BUY BOOK - UK & Europe!