In 1996 my husband and I spent our Honeymoon in Australia. Meeting Australian Aboriginal people and hearing about their concept of The World Forever Dreaming Itself Into Being, as an eternal and on-going Act of Creation, "opened a door in my mind". It marked the start of a complete re-evaluation of my own lenses of perception.
Near the Daintree River we met an Aboriginal medicine man who invited me to come and live with him the rainforest to study plant spirit medicine. This did not seem like the right course of action for a woman who had been married for less than a week (!) Sadly (perhaps) I declined. I have often thought back to his offer...
I often say that I "attend the University of Dreams"! I do my best learning in dreams. My most startling insights come to me in dreams. Spirit teachers and allies visit me in dreams and take me on epic learning journeys in otherworld landscapes.
I invite all my students to pay attention to dreams too and keep a dream journal. On my 2-year sacred program we create Dream Incubation Chambers!
What I took home from Australia was the ambition to live from a state of consciousness where dreams and everyday reality seamlessly blend into each other...