NATURAL BORN SHAMANS: Spiritual Toolkit for Life
(Using shamanism creatively with young people of all ages)
My first book was published in August 2016. The foreword was written by Sandra Ingerman. It covers all aspects of performing spiritual or shamanic work with children and young people. It is aimed at anyone who has an interest in young people and their spiritual journey. It covers the spiritual needs of all age groups from "in utero" until age 18+.
It explains what shamanic parenting is and describes ways of doing spirit-led work, even with unborn babies and spirit children (after miscarriage, abortion or early death). It provides 30 "tried and tested" session plans for people looking for inspiration and "where to start".
You can order the book on amazon and from most quality bookshops.
"This book should be translated into every language and used in every School!"
"Ridonare il Sacro, Il Silenzio e la Semplicità ai nostri bambini, testo illuminante di una sciamana mamma"
Ario Daniel Zhoh, The Alps and Sapmi